Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do I go with my heart or do I go with my mind?

I am so confused and need desperate help. I am a 23 yr old married woman to a man that is what any woman could ask for. Great personality, caring, dedicated, but the main problem that he has is that once we went from a relationship to marriage everything changed. He stopped caring for himself to be with me 24/7. I feel like Im choking and unable to do anything on my own other than work without him being there all of the time. He stopped dressing nice, began to gain weight, and worst of all stopped being confident and independent. Everything had to be under my decision. He could not make decisions on his own. I feel miserable getting home when all we do is argue about everything. Its like things go in one ear and out the other. I was rushed into this marriage by the persuasion of my parents. All they want is stability for me. Find a man that can give me what they never had which is understandable but my philosophy is also that you have to be able to love the person deeply as well. I know that love does not pay bills but I would rather be happy and broke than rich and miserable. I will go to school and finish my career. I want to make money on my own and not depend on anyone. Now my worry is that I am stuck in the middle and do not know what to do. I care for this guy believe me I do, but I am not in love with him. Never was... I feel awful and even though I have told him this he still does not accept it and continues to ignore my feelings just to have me in his life. I am beautiful and hes told me that he is lucky to be with me because typically a man like him never date or nevertheless marry a woman as beautiful as me. I am not all there with him. I want to make myself love him just as he loves me but I cant, and not him or my family can not understand any of this. They keep ignoring me and thinking about stability. Now my main dilemma is that I am beginning to have a crush on someone else. Someone that is wonderful inside and out as well. Every time we go to work outings people always say that we look cute together or how long have we been together...etc... and that makes me more attracted to him. I will not cheat, so physically nothing will happen. I do not know what to do!? I am so confused. My friends always tell me to follow my heart but that means for me to go and live with roommates and hurt someones feelings (husband).

Drunken idiot needin help?

I am of legal drinking age by the way. I came to school drunk and kissed my crush by suprise. I have to face her tomarrow what should i do

What do you think of writing?

Whisper has some great ideas. Also, even from just this, I like the story, even though this isn't really my type.

What is the extra charge to use internet on a Blackberry?

when you get a blackberry, it comes with data, so you can use the internet. it adds $30 to your plan.

Please let me know the list of reputed colleges for bba in gurgaon n delhi?

You may find this site helpful: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Anyone agree with me that the UK is a shadow of its former self?

100% right that's socialism , lowest standard in everything, a dumbed down population that depends on the government for everything

All i want to ask is Kharagpur-Mining Dual Degree is better or would you tell me to prefer Computer science-IS?

My AIR is around 5000. I want some opinion whether ISM Dhanbad is good or a reputed IIT like Kharagppur is good. Please somebody reply soon. Thanks.